Which logo design conveys my brand message?

Contributed by Poll the People

Your logo is one of the most important aspects of your brand image. Doing a brand refresh? A new logo release? Test your logo choices on our unbiased, external panel and get analysis from these trusted respondents by launching a Logo Test with Poll the People.

A powerful brand image calls for a powerful logo, and a Logo Test will give you powerful insights. Not only do you get your first handful of responses within minutes and all responses within hours, but you’ll also get in-depth written feedback on each of your logo versions.

Poll the People offers A/B tests, but you can test multiple versions of your logo with these cost-effective and quick tests. Think round-robin, but with logos.

Your test results will include both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The quantitative analysis will give you a sense of the clear winner, but the qualitative analysis will help you improve upon your current logos and incorporate the elements that stuck out to our panelists.

Check out this test between two versions of a logo for a new pet store. Our dashboard tells the user that each version received the same amount of votes, this could mean that the logos are not different enough to  choose between or that either version is a good option. However, diving into the written feedback shows us that the green color of logo B is engaging and attractive to the users.

The responses can give you valuable insight into your designs, including material for pitch decks and talking points. The results from the example test provide some valuable insights into the opinions and preferences of the users. Don’t skip over the explanations once you know the winner of the test, you might miss a great insight.

Owen Fay