How to Save Time in Survey Analysis with AI-Powered Normalization
By Poll the People . Posted on March 6, 2023

Surveys are an invaluable tool for gathering valuable insights into employee behavior, market trends, and customer preferences. They allow businesses to better understand their audience, identify potential problems, and make informed decisions. However, analyzing survey data can be a time-consuming and challenging task that requires significant effort and resources.

Traditional survey analysis methods involve manual processing and organization of survey responses, which can be a daunting and tedious task. This process is made even more difficult by poorly written responses, grammatical errors, and inconsistent writing styles. The manual effort required to correct these issues can lead to delays in the analysis process and reduce the accuracy of the results.

Fortunately, advances in artificial intelligence have made it possible to automate the survey analysis process and save time, effort, and resources. At Poll the People, we have developed an AI-powered normalization system that automatically corrects grammatical errors and normalizes survey responses into easy-to-read sentences with consistent writing styles.

With our AI-powered normalization system, analyzing survey data is faster and more accurate. The system understands the context of each response, corrects any grammatical errors, and ensures that all responses are consistent in terms of writing style. This consistency makes it easier to compare responses and identify patterns and trends in the data.

In this article, we will explore how to save time in survey analysis with AI-powered normalization. We will explain the process of using our system to automate the analysis of survey data, and show how it can help businesses gain valuable insights into their audience, customer preferences, and market trends. 

What is AI-powered Normalization?

At times, survey data analysis can be a tedious task that requires a significant amount of effort and time. One of the challenges of analyzing survey data is dealing with responses that are poorly written, filled with grammatical errors, and inconsistent writing styles. These responses can be difficult to understand and can take up a lot of time to read and analyze.

To address this challenge, we have developed an AI-powered system that automates the process of correcting grammatical errors and normalizing survey responses into readable sentences with consistent writing styles. Our system uses advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques to understand the context of each response and make corrections accordingly.

By using our AI-powered normalization system, you can save time and effort in analyzing survey responses. Our system will ensure that all responses are easy to read, understand, and analyze, which will make the entire process much more efficient. You no longer need to spend hours trying to decipher poorly written responses or correcting grammatical errors manually.

Furthermore, our system ensures that all responses are normalized and consistent in terms of writing style. This consistency makes it easier to compare responses and identify patterns and trends in the data. This will ultimately help you gain valuable insights into your target audience, customer preferences, and market trends. 

Benefits of AI-powered Normalization

Benefits of AI powered Normalization

There are several benefits of AI-powered normalization. They include: 

1.) Accurate responses

The AI-powered normalization eliminates errors in survey data and ensures the responses are reliable and correct. Instead of trying to guess what the survey responder had in his mind, the normalization makes the response easy to understand and read. 

2.) Time-saving

The manual handling of survey data is time-consuming, and that’s made easy by AI-powered normalization. As a result, it saves time and reduces the risk of errors. Instead of reading long survey responses in bad grammar, spelling mistakes and varied writing styles, you get one consistent look-n-feel and easily readable text. 

3.) Consistent

The innovation ensures consistency in the data and makes it easy to compare the responses. Once survey responses become consistent, it is much easier to glean insights from them. Imagine trying to understand survey responses from 10 varied tones or writing styles. It is a tedious and time consuming nightmare for the analyst. This is now rectified using AI-powered normalization. 

4.) Fair and Unbiased

Poll the People AI-powered normalization reduces bias in survey data and ensures that the results are fair and unbiased. No longer do you have to reject an insightful response just because the survey responder’s grammar was bad or he has an all-caps spelling mistake. What the analyst sees are beautiful normalized survey responses. 

5.) Analysis

AI-powered normalized data is easier to analyze and quickly gives business owners insight into consumer needs and behaviors. Compare legacy survey responses where respondents give 2-3 word answers in all-caps or bad grammar, with beautifully laid out responses in a clean writing style. 

How To Use Poll the People AI-Powered Normalization

1.) Launch a Survey

Poll the People has 20+ expert-built templates that let you launch a survey for your consumer insights needs. You can have head-to-head comparison surveys (to make decisions and optimize assets), or you can even create an open-ended survey with a question you would like to ask consumers. 

2.) Normalized Responses

Every incoming response has a clear explanation that is then normalized into easily-readable sentences. This makes analysis much quicker and joyful, rather than sifting through 100 responses in different styles. 

response normalization

For purists who want to see the original response as typed by the survey respondent, they can simply use the toggle to see the original. 

3.) Capture Insights

Poll the People also includes automated insights like executive summaries, thematic patterns, important factors/problems identified and a host of other insights gleaned from the survey responses. This greatly reduces your workload and makes it very easy for you to generate that final research report or make executive decisions. 


In conclusion, survey analysis can be a complex and time-consuming process that requires significant effort and resources. The manual handling of survey data can result in errors and inconsistencies that can lead to inaccurate results and skewed insights. However, the Poll the People AI-powered normalization system provides a solution to these challenges and can save time, effort, and money in the survey analysis process.

By using our AI-powered normalization system, you can eliminate errors in survey data, improve data consistency, and save time and money. Our system automates the process of correcting grammatical errors and normalizing survey responses into easy-to-read sentences with consistent writing styles. This ensures that all responses are accurate, reliable, and easy to analyze, making it easier for you to make informed decisions based on your survey data.

Our AI-powered normalization system can help you optimize your survey data for maximum impact. With the normalization of survey data, you can identify patterns and trends in your target audience, customer preferences, and market trends. This will enable you to make data-driven decisions that can have a significant impact on your business success.


Poll the People

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