By Owen Fay . Posted on May 18, 2022

If you’re looking to improve your user experience, concept testing is a great place to start. In this guide, we’ll show you everything you need to know about concept testing, from how to get started to how to make the most of your results.

The best way to test a concept is to try it out with real users.

If you’re a UX designer, chances are you’re familiar with the term “concept testing.” But what is it, exactly? And how can you use it to improve your designs?

In this blog post, we’ll be taking a closer look at concept testing, what it is, and how it can be used to improve your UX designs. We’ll also be sharing some tips on how to get the most out of your concept testing. So if you’re ready to learn more about this important UX tool, read on!

What Is Concept Testing?

Concept testing is a process of asking users questions to understand their acceptance of a new product, service or feature, before it is introduced to the market. It can be done in a number of ways with a lot of different audiences, the two most popular methods are in person, moderated testing, and online, unmoderated testing.

Concept testing can be used to test anything from a new product idea, to a new feature on a website, to a new ad campaign. The goal is to see if people understand the concept, their level of acceptance, and to find any issues or areas of improvement.

Why Is Concept Testing Important?

Concept testing is important because it allows you to test your ideas with potential users before you invest a lot of time and resources into launching it to the market.. This can help you avoid expensive mistakes, and can help you improve your concept by getting feedback from real users.

Concept testing can be done in a variety of ways, but one common method is to create a prototype of your product or service, and then show it to potential users to get their feedback. This can be a very effective way to get honest feedback, because people are often more willing to give honest feedback when they can see and interact with a prototype, rather than just hearing about an idea.

Another reason why concept testing is important is that it can help you validate your assumptions about your product or service. For example, you may think that your product is unique and that there is no other product like it on the market. But until you test it with real users, you won’t know for sure. Concept testing can help you find out if there is a need for your product, and can also help you understand how users perceive your product.

So, to sum up, concept testing is important because it can help you avoid making costly mistakes, get feedback from real users, and validate your assumptions about your product or service.

INFOGRAPHIC: Why is concept testing important? - Poll the People

How Do You Conduct A Concept Test?

To do a concept testing, you will need to create a few questions that you want to ask the group. These questions should be designed to get feedback about the concept, and to see if there are any areas that need to be clarified.

Once you have your questions, you will need to find a group of people to test the concept with. This group should be representative of the target audience for the business.

After you have found your group, you will need to explain the concept to them, and then ask the questions that you prepared. Analyze the feedback they provide and take note of any suggestions or questions that they have.

Once the testing is complete, you will need to analyze the results to see if the concept is understood, and if there are any areas that need to be clarified. Based on the results, you can make changes to the concept, or decide to move forward with it.

INFOGRAPHIC: How do you conduct a concept test? - Poll the People

What Are Some Common Mistakes Made During Concept Testing?

One common mistake made during concept testing is not providing enough detail in the task instructions. It can cause confusion and frustration for participants, and can lead to invalid results.

Another common mistake is failing to select and run the test with an audience that effectively represents your users. This can make the results invalid because they do not represent the opinions of your real users.

Failing to moderate or keep track of the test is another major mistake. Even if you are running an unmoderated, remote test you need to keep track of the test and how it is running to get the most out of the test.

The questions you ask in the test are extremely important, if you fail to ask questions that give you feedback that don’t achieve the goals of the test create ineffective concept testing.

Finally, not properly analyzing the data you gather from the test can lead to a wasted test. This step is essential in order to track progress and improve the design.

INFOGRAPHIC: What are some common mistakes made during concept testing? - Poll the People

How Do You Know If Your Concept Test Was Successful?

There are a few key things you can look for to determine whether or not your concept test was successful.

First, you should look at how well participants were able to complete the task or answer the questions you set out for them. If they struggled to complete the task, or if they took a long time to complete it, that could be an indication that your concept needs some work.

Another thing to look at is how well participants understood the task you gave them. If they had a lot of questions, or if they seemed confused, that could be another sign that your concept needs some refinement.

Finally, you should look at how participants felt about the concept they interacted with. If they seemed frustrated, or if they had negative things to say about it, that could be an indication that your concept isn’t quite ready for launch.

If you see any of these things, don’t despair! Just take it as a sign that you need to keep working on your concept until it’s ready for the market.

Quick Tips

  1. When you’re planning a new product or service, it’s important to get feedback from potential users early on in the process. This is where concept testing comes in.
  2. Concept testing is all about getting feedback on your idea from potential users. It’s a way to validate your idea and make sure it’s something people actually want.
  3. There are a few different ways to do concept testing. One is to create a prototype of your product or service and test it with potential users. Another is to simply ask people questions about your idea.
  4. Whichever method you choose, the important thing is to get feedback from potential users. This will help you validate your idea and make sure it’s something people actually want.
  5. So if you’re planning a new product or service, be sure to do some concept testing. It’s a great way to get feedback from potential users and make sure your idea is something people actually want.

According to a study by the Nielsen Norman Group, concept testing can help improve the UX of a product by up to 80%. So, if you’re looking to improve the UX of your product, conducting concept testing early on is a great way to do so.


If you’re looking to improve your user experience, concept testing is a great way to do it. By testing your concepts with real users, you can get feedback that will help you improve your design.

Poll the People is a leading platform for blazing fast user feedback with a dedicated user panel and templates for any concept you want to test. Poll the People offers free sign ups and pricing plans to fit any budget. Our platform makes it easy to get started and get the insights you need to improve your designs. Sign up now and get started on making your concepts user-friendly!

Owen Fay

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