The Biggest Problem With Concept Testing, And How You Can Fix It
By Owen Fay . Posted on February 21, 2022

Concept testing is extremely important in helping companies determine if their product idea has merit in the market and fix any flaws in it before spending money on development. By spending time understanding what your customers want before you start building your product or design, you can reduce the risk and fix any flaws before launching it.

But a lot of companies tend to ignore these issues, causing bigger problems down the road. The most common reason for this oversight is that most people don’t think about it until the project has already been in development for months and they’re looking for some last-minute advice.

However, there are several issues with traditional concept tests: how long they take and what kind of data you get. What’s needed is a simple process where companies can conduct a concept test and quickly test ideas/products with consumers who will provide them with actionable feedback.

The biggest problem with concept testing is: It currently takes days or even weeks to run a concept test.

Concept testing can take up a lot of your time and resources depending on how you design the test. This process can be ineffective with flaws in the design and could take hours or days to get results. To make matters worse, filtering the responses and coming up with actionable insights is an added hurdle.

Concept tests can be expensive, time-consuming, and they may not give you the accurate data that you need to move forward with your project.

This is by far the biggest problem with concept testing. The cost in terms of time, energy, money, and management resources make it a difficult process for most businesses.

So, this raises the question, how can you fix it?

You can fix these issues in a number of easy ways:

1. Use an online service that works in minutes, not days

New self-service tools like Poll the People and UsabilityHub are fully integrated and can deploy concept tests in a matter of hours. A self-service A/B concept test on Poll the People usually completes in less than 60 minutes.

These services have quick signups, and you can be done with your concept test within an hour. No talking to salespeople, no constructing complicated surveys, no long-term contracts.

2. Use Expert-Built Templates

One of the biggest issues with concept testing is building meaningful and scientifically correct surveys. Most users are not experts in survey design. It’s best to go with the expert-designed surveys from online services like Poll the People.

These free templates are easy to understand and quick to deploy. By using the standard templates, you don’t fall prey to flaws in your survey that could drastically affect the survey results.

3. Use Self-Service Integrated Opinion Panels

written feedback

Traditionally, concept testers would create their surveys and then work with various opinion panels to deploy the survey. This process is cumbersome and takes days or weeks to deploy. It is also much more costly as it involved multiple human contractors and consultants.

Modern services like Poll the People have panels integrated into their services – bringing down the time it takes to run a test. Most surveys on Poll the People run in less than 60 minutes with complete statistical significance.


Concept testing can be a tough process, there are a lot of ways it could take days or weeks of your valuable time. But modern self-service tools like Poll the People fix these issues and make it easy for every business to run concept tests within minutes.

Owen Fay

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