By Owen Fay . Posted on October 17, 2022

Your brand name is one of your powerful marketing tools. It’s the first thing people see, and it’s what they’ll remember long after they’ve forgotten your tagline or product.

That’s why it’s important to choose a name that is distinctive and meaningful.  A brand name can be anything the company wants, but it typically includes some key characteristics that make it unique and recognizable.

Choosing a brand name is a straightforward process, but it requires an excellent grasp of the psychology of brand names, knowing your brand inside out, and understanding your target audience.

In this blog post, we’ll share some characteristics of powerful brand names and how you can choose one that will help you achieve your marketing goals.

What to Consider Before Choosing A Brand Name

A brand name is one of the first things potential customers will see; it will be the first thing they associate with your company and create a foundation for your brand strategy. That is why choosing a strong, memorable brand name that accurately represents your business is so important.


The Power of a Name in Branding

Here are a few things to consider when choosing a brand name:


A brand name should be easy to remember and pronounce. It should be short enough to use in marketing materials and advertising. Companies with simpler names have higher levels of engagement on social media because you only have a few seconds to capture someone’s attention. A complicated brand name will be an instant turn-off for your audience.


Your brand name should be different from your competitors. It should be something that will make your company stand out. This is crucial whether you only have an online presence or physical locations and an online presence. You need to stand out when customers are searching for you.

If your name is too generic and your customers have a terrible experience with a competitor with a similar-sounding name, the customer will associate negative feelings with your company simply due to the similar name.

Avoid initials.

While initials can be easy to remember, they can also be challenging to pronounce and can be easily confused with other companies. Many companies have similar, cool-sounding initials, but when users search for one, they become frustrated when half the mentions are unrelated to what they are looking for.

Target market.

Your brand name should be relevant to your target market. It should be something that they will easily remember and associate with your company. For instance, AthleanX, a fitness brand, incorporates this strategy into its naming quite well, keeping in mind its target customers are athletic, active, and physically fit.

Test your brand name.

Usually, brand names are finalized within the organization without regard for what customers might think of them. Companies need to gather actionable feedback from their audience with a tool like Poll the People to understand how effective their brand name is. All you have to do to test your brand name is input your options, choose your audience and launch.

You will understand customer impressions and opinions, be able to compare brand names and understand pronunciation, recognition, and effectiveness.

Elements of a Brand Name

Memorable: A brand name should be easy to remember so that customers can quickly recall it when needed.

Short and Simple:  A short and simple name for your brand that is easy to pronounce and write will go a long way in helping your brand reach a wider audience.

Distinctive: A brand name should stand out from the competition and be easily recognizable. A powerful brand name creates differentiation.

Relevant: Brand names must be meaningful and reflect the company’s core values. It also needs to be relevant to the product or company it represents.

Flexible: Notably, the brand name has to be flexible enough to be used in various marketing materials and across different channels.

Timeless: For your brand name to stand the test of time and remain relevant for use by coming generations, it needs to be timeless. Don’t restrict yourself to one niche or limit growth with a brand name.

How To Choose The Right Brand Name

1. Keep it short and sweet

The shorter your brand name is, the easier it will be for people to remember and associate it with your product or service. A long, complicated brand name will confuse people and make them less likely to remember it.

2. Make it easy to pronounce and spell

Again, you want people to be able to remember your brand name and associate it with your product or service. If it is difficult to pronounce or spell, people are less likely to remember it or be able to find your product when they are searching for it.

3. Avoid using industry jargon

While you may be tempted to use industry-specific terms or acronyms in your brand name, resist the urge. These terms will only serve to alienate people who are not familiar with your industry. Stick to simple, easy-to-understand language that everyone can relate to.

4. Be unique

There are millions of brands, so you must make sure yours stands out from the crowd. Avoid using common names or terms that could be associated with other brands. Be creative and come up with something that is uniquely yours.

5. Think about the future

When choosing a brand name, it is essential to consider the future. You don’t want to choose a name that will be outdated in a few years, or that will limit your brand’s growth. Choose a timeless name you can see yourself using for years.

Your brand name has a lot riding on it, it can be intimidating to even come up with a possible list, let alone choose one to represent your brand for eternity. As a result, many companies spend too much time brainstorming and discussing internally, often paralyzed by the scale of the decision in front of them.

However, you can avoid this issue by testing your potential brand names and testing the rest of your brand. Poll the People is one of the best platforms you can use to test your brand names and choose a powerful one.

How To Protect Your Brand Name

Your brand name is your identity. It is how customers and clients recognize and remember you. So it is essential to protect your brand name. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  1. Test your brand name with Poll the People: Testing with an audience that closely resembles your own is a great way to avoid all problems associated with a poor brand name. With a testing platform like Poll the People, you can run a test in minutes with your top contenders for the brand name evaluated by thousands of people across the globe.
  2. Register your brand name as a trademark. This will give you legal protection against others using your brand name without permission.
  3. Use your brand name consistently. This will help build brand recognition and make it easier for people to remember your name.
  4. Use a solid visual identity. This can be things like a logo or a specific color scheme. This will make your brand more recognizable and easier to remember.
  5. Protect your online presence. Make sure you have a robust website and social media presence. It will help you control the message people see about your brand.
  6. Be aware of imitators. Be on the lookout for people who are trying to copy your brand. If you see someone doing this, you can take legal action to stop them.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why is it important for a brand name to be easy to remember?It’s crucial for a brand name to be easy to remember because it’s the first point of contact between your business and potential customers. An easy-to-remember brand name increases the chances of your business being the first one that comes to mind when customers need your products or services. It also aids in word-of-mouth marketing, as customers are more likely to recommend a brand they can easily recall.
  2. What makes a brand name distinctive and why is this crucial?A distinctive brand name is unique, memorable, and stands out from the competition. This is crucial because a distinctive name helps your business to differentiate itself in a crowded market. It can also convey your brand’s personality and values, helping to attract customers who identify with these aspects.
  3. Can any name be chosen for a brand, and what are the legal considerations?While you have a lot of freedom in choosing a brand name, there are legal considerations to keep in mind. You need to ensure that your chosen name isn’t already trademarked by another company to avoid legal disputes. It’s also advisable to check if the corresponding domain name is available if you plan to have an online presence.
  4. What qualities should a brand name possess to be effective?An effective brand name should be unique, easy to remember, and easy to pronounce. It should reflect your brand’s identity and resonate with your target audience. Additionally, it should be adaptable to accommodate any future growth or changes in your business.
  5. What are the key elements that make a good brand name?Key elements of a good brand name include simplicity, uniqueness, relevance to your business, and emotional appeal. A good brand name should also be legally protectable, meaning it’s not already in use or trademarked by another company. Lastly, it should be easy to pronounce, spell, and remember for your target audience.


A powerful brand name is a key to success for any business. It’s the first impression customers have of your company. Thus, you need to pick a brand name that is unique, memorable, short and simple, relevant to your business, and has positive connotations.

Likewise, poor branding can make your company sound unprofessional or forgettable to consumers. Fortunately, you can build a powerful brand name by employing the service of a user testing platform like Poll the People.

Sign up for Poll the People and experience the benefits of powerful branding at affordable prices.

Owen Fay

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