By Owen Fay . Posted on October 19, 2022

“The best way to find the best name for your product launch is to ask your customers.” -Steve Jobs

When you’re launching a new product, one of the most important things to consider is what to name it. The name you choose will be the first impression people have of your product, so you must choose wisely.

If you’re launching a product, there are a few things to consider when choosing a name. The name must be simple, short, and easy to remember. Try to be creative when choosing a name for your product launch and avoid generic names.

A great name can help your product sell more, make the product memorable and help you stand out from the competition.

Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid To Be Different With Your Product Name

It can be scary to veer away from the norm, but sometimes it pays off to be different. In the case of naming your product, being different can help you stand out from the competition and make a lasting impression on potential customers.

Here are a few reasons why you shouldn’t be afraid to be different with your product name:

It can help you stand out from the competition.

If all the products in your market have similar-sounding names, choosing a different name for your product can help it stand out from the rest. A unique name can also make your product more memorable, which can be helpful when customers are trying to decide which product to purchase.

Your product will be more memorable.

As mentioned before, a unique name can make your product more memorable than products with similar-sounding names. If customers can easily remember your product, they’re more likely to purchase it over other products.

It can help you attract attention.

A different name for your product can help it stand out on store shelves or online. If your brand name is eye-catching, it’s more likely to attract attention from potential customers.

It can help you create a brand identity.

Your product’s name is one of the first things people will associate with your brand. If you choose a name that’s different from the competition, it can help you create a unique brand identity.

You can build more awareness and buzz.

If you choose a truly unique name for your product, it can help generate buzz and curiosity about your product. This can ultimately lead to more sales as people become interested in your product and want to try it out for themselves.

How To Brainstorm And Come Up With A Great Name For Your Product

  •  Start by thinking about what your product does and what benefits it offers.
  •  Write down a list of keywords that describe your product.
  •  Try to come up with a few puns or plays on words that would be appropriate for your product.
  •  Brainstorm with a group of people.
  • Take some time to think about it and let the ideas percolate.
  • Test out your favorite ideas with potential customers.
  • Choose a name that is easy to remember and pronounce.
  • Make sure the name you choose is not already trademarked or in use by another company.

How To Create and Choose a Brand Name

Your product’s name is one of the most important elements in its success. It is the first thing potential customers will see and it will be a big part of your marketing efforts. So it is important to make sure that your name conveys the right message.

Here are some tips for picking a name that will help your product succeed:

Keep it simple. A name that is easy to remember and pronounce is more likely to be successful than a complicated one.

Make sure it is relevant to your product. A name that is relevant to what your product does will be more memorable and make more sense to potential customers.

Avoid using made-up words. While a made-up word can be catchy, it can also be confusing and difficult to remember. Stick to using real words that people are familiar with.

Test it out. A brand name test with Poll the People is the best way to understand the effectiveness of your name, how it compares to the competition, and learn what your target audience thinks of your name. The process is cost-effective, simple, and lightning-fast.

Without programming or design knowledge, you can input your brand name and your competitors, put them in front of a user base that matches your prospective customers, and get results within the hour.

You will not only get the brand name option that is most likely to be successful, but you will also get detailed feedback on what users think of your brand name and your competitors. Using these insights, you can make improvements to your brand name and confidently launch it, knowing that your customers will love it and it will compete with the competition.

Make sure the domain name is available. In today’s world, it is important to have a strong online presence. So make sure that the domain name for your product’s website is available before you settle on a name.

The Legal Considerations You Need To Be Aware Of When Naming Your Product

When you are naming your product, you need to be aware of the legal considerations in order to avoid any issues down the road. There are a few things you need to keep in mind:

  1. Make sure the name is not already trademarked. You can search online or at the US Patent and Trademark Office to see if the name is already taken.
  2. Avoid using names that are too similar to existing products. This could create confusion in the marketplace and lead to legal action from the other company.
  3. Do not use offensive or derogatory terms in the name. This could lead to problems with selling the product, as well as legal action.
  4. Make sure the name is not too similar to a famous person or brand. This could create confusion and lead to legal action from the other party.
  5. Avoid using names that are too similar to existing trademarks. This could create confusion in the marketplace and lead to legal action from the other company.

By following these simple guidelines, you can avoid any legal problems down the road. Choose your product name wisely and you will be on your way to a successful launch!

Bonus Tips

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are the key factors to consider when choosing a new product name to ensure market appeal and brand alignment?

When choosing a new product name, it’s crucial to consider factors such as relevance to the product’s function or benefits, ease of pronunciation and memorability, cultural appropriateness, and availability for trademarking. The name should also align with your brand’s identity and values to ensure consistency across your product range.

  1. How does the naming of a product impact its brand perception and customer attraction?

The naming of a product significantly impacts its brand perception and customer attraction. A well-chosen name can convey the product’s benefits, evoke positive emotions, and reflect the brand’s personality, thereby attracting and resonating with the target audience. Conversely, a poorly chosen name can confuse or deter potential customers.

  1. What strategies can businesses use to generate creative and effective names for their new products?

Businesses can use various strategies to generate creative and effective names for their new products. These include brainstorming sessions, using name generation tools, conducting market research to understand customer preferences, and testing potential names with focus groups or surveys. It can also be beneficial to consider the product’s unique selling points and how these can be reflected in the name.

  1. How important is a product’s name in establishing its identity and differentiation in the market?

A product’s name is extremely important in establishing its identity and differentiation in the market. It’s often the first thing customers notice, and it can convey key information about the product, such as its purpose, benefits, or target audience. A unique and memorable name can also help a product stand out from competitors and foster brand recognition.

  1. How can market research contribute to the process of naming a new product, and what methods are most effective?

Market research can provide valuable insights into customer preferences, cultural nuances, and market trends, all of which can inform the process of naming a new product. Effective methods include surveys, focus groups, and social media analysis. Testing potential names with a representative sample of your target audience can also be highly beneficial to gauge their reactions and ensure the chosen name resonates with them.


The best way to find the perfect name for your product launch is to follow these tips and most of all test the brand name before your launch. Try to come up with a list of 10-20 potential names and then narrow it down to your top three favorites. Once you have your top three, test them and do your research to make sure they aren’t similar to competitors, can be protected, and will stand the test of time. Finally, make your decision and go with the name that you think best represents your product.

If you are ready to test your brand name options, sign up for Poll the People and launch your first test in minutes. You will get actionable feedback in minutes without blowing your marketing budget.

Owen Fay

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