By Owen Fay . Posted on May 18, 2022

Is there a fast and effective way to test my product? This is a question a lot of product managers might have. Today there are new ways to gather feedback in just an hour to quickly improve or fix a product.

If you want to know how to improve your website or app without spending a lot of money, then you need to know about guerrilla usability testing.

Guerrilla usability testing is a low-cost, quick way to get feedback from users about your product. In this blog post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about guerrilla usability testing, including what it is, how to do it, and what you can learn from it.

INFOGRAPHIC: Guerrilla Usability Testing: The Low-down - Poll the People

What is a Guerrilla Usability Test

Guerrilla usability testing is a quick and inexpensive way to gather user feedback. It is typically used to gather feedback on early prototypes or design ideas. It’s called “guerrilla” because it’s fast, cheap, and easy to do.

You don’t need a lot of fancy equipment or software to do it, with online testing platforms like Poll the People you can gather feedback from hundreds of user in only an hour for less than $50 per test.. It’s as simple as that! Set up a test, ask users questions about your product and analyze the results. Afterwards, debrief with your team to discuss what you learned. Guerrilla usability testing is a great way to get feedback early and often.

How to Conduct a Guerrilla Usability Test

Choose A Location. You’ll Want To Pick A Place Where There Are Potential Users Of Your Product Or Service.

When you are planning to do a guerrilla usability test, one of the most important things to consider in choosing a location. You’ll want to pick a place where there are potential users of your product or service. This way, you can get valuable feedback about your product or service from people who are actually interested in using it.

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a location for your guerrilla usability test. First, you’ll want to make sure that the location is accessible to your potential users. This means that it should be easy to get to and there should be no barriers to entry.

Second, you’ll want to make sure that the location is representative of your target audience. This means that you should choose a location that is frequented by people who would be interested in using your product or service. Finally, you’ll want to make sure that the location is conducive to testing. This means that it should be quiet and free from distractions so that you can get the most accurate feedback possible.

Keep these things in mind when choosing a location for your guerrilla usability test and you’ll be sure to get the most valuable feedback possible from your potential users.

Recruit Participants. You Can Do This By Asking People In The Chosen Location If They Would Be Interested In Taking Part In A Short Usability Test.

You can recruit participants for your usability test by asking people in the chosen location if they would be interested in taking part in a short usability test. Be sure to explain what a usability test is and what is expected of participants.

Recruiting users in person can be time consuming and difficult. If you want to test online (a place that most users frequent) there are many platforms that offer user panels with segmentation that allows you to reach a representation of your users.

Set Up Your Testing Materials. You’ll Need A Laptop Or Tablet, And Any Materials You Need To Test Your Product Or Service.

When you are running a guerilla usability test you need prototypes, representations, or full products that you want to test. The best practice is to have two versions of your resource that you can allow users to interact with.

Conduct The Test. Once You Have Your Materials And Participants Ready, You Can Start Testing!

To start, find a quiet place to set up your testing station. Make sure you have enough space for your materials and for your participants to sit comfortably. Then, set up your materials in an easily accessible way.

Next, ask users questions that gauge their opinions and feelings about the product or service. Let them know that they will be testing a product or service and that their feedback is very important.

Now you are ready to start the actual testing! Begin by asking your participants to complete the test. As they are working, observe the feedback and take notes on anything that might be important. Be sure to ask them questions about their experience and get their feedback.

Once the testing is finished, be sure to thank your participants again for their time and participation.

INFOGRAPHIC: Conduct the test. Once you have your materials and participants ready, you can start testing! - Poll the People


If you’re looking for a quick, easy, and low-cost way to test your product’s usability, guerrilla usability testing is the way to go. With this method, you can get valuable feedback from users without spending a lot of time or money. So if you’re ready to take your product to the next level, why not give guerrilla usability testing a try?

Looking for a quick and easy way to get feedback on your latest design? Look no further than Poll the People! We offer free signups so you can test your designs with real users and get the insights you need to improve your work. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and take your designs to the next level!

Owen Fay

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