By Owen Fay . Posted on November 16, 2022

Do you have a logo you think is great? A brand name you want feedback on? Or another design, concept, or idea you need validated? The best way to understand if it is ready to go live is to run an open-ended test.

This kind of test is a research-based testing method that can give your real user feedback to understand if your idea needs work or if it is ready to go. But what is open-ended testing, how can you do it, and when to do it? In this article, we will address all of these questions and give you everything you need to know to get started.

What is Open-Ended Testing?

Monadic testing or open-ended testing is when you show a single design, product, or concept to users, as opposed to an A/B or comparison test where you show users two or more concepts at the same time.

When you need to understand if your idea is ready to launch, how to price your product, evaluate a listing, get feedback on a video, or validate a decision you should run an open-ended test. You can understand the effectiveness of a single idea and test it without comparing options.

By exposing subjects to just one idea at a time, the open-ended concept testing method measures how your target market will react to your product. For example; These tests can help you determine why your target audience understands the main benefit of your product or service. Their honest feedback will help you find the right design for your product.

Run an open-ended test when you need to determine whether your idea is ready to be launched, how to color your website layout, assess a listing, gather feedback on a logo, or verify a choice. Without comparing alternatives, you can determine whether a particular idea is effective and test it.

Testing a single idea with Poll the People

Poll the People added a new method of testing one idea quickly and easily, without wasting your budget. Poll the People open-ended tests gather written feedback on a single concept or idea. They can be anything from a headline for an ad to your logo or a video.

With a user panel of over 500,000 dedicated users, expert-built templates, an easy-to-understand results dashboard, and a number of other robust features, it is quick and easy to get feedback on your idea.

The whole process of setting up the test takes just a few minutes, you just have to upload your text, image, video, or prototype link, ask a test question, and launch. You will immediately start getting feedback from users that represent your target audience.

What’s the difference between monadic testing and sequential monadic testing?

Sequential monadic testing is, more or less, the same as monadic testing but with multiple products. The ideas are still presented in isolation, but the participants are shown one product after the other.

Sequential monadic testing has its pros and cons. For example, you can test more than one idea at the same time. However, respondents might be influenced by the previous idea when looking at the second and third options and be biased for or against them.

Benefits of Monadic Testing

  1. An extensive insight.
  2. Only one concept is tested with the users in isolation.
  3. There are no outside influences or diversions that might affect the respondents’ perspectives on the subject.
  4. The data gathered is accurate and can be used without any restrictions to validate the idea.

Benefits of Sequential Monadic Testing

  1. The needed sample size decreases because each respondent is exposed to at least two concepts, which lowers the research’s cost.
  2. This approach is more suited for researching specialized markets because it calls for fewer responses.
  3. Less time is required to conduct the survey and get the data when there are fewer responders.

When to test a single idea?

A product, website, app, or other resources can be evaluated using real users through testing, which is a human-centered approach that provides insights into their experiences. Any single idea should be tested as soon as possible before being implemented. Make sure the concept is prepared for launch. Feedback will let you know what users think, how they react, and whether your idea needs to be improved before going live.

In general, testing removes the element of the guesswork from decision-making and gives administrators the assurance that the choice they make is the best one based on the data available. A firm can increase engagement, recognition, and return on investment by implementing adjustments based on user feedback.

What type of feedback do you get?

You can get both quantitative and qualitative data using open-ended concept testing to better understand how to optimize your concepts.

Qualitative data

The “why” underlying the results is explained with the help of qualitative data. It also provides versatility and flexibility. Qualitative data provides you with insightful information despite the lack of a specific measurement scale. Fewer people are often involved in the collecting of qualitative data through focus groups or one-on-one interviews.

Quantitative data

One or more measures that show how fast or easily an action may be accomplished make up quantitative data. Quantitative data is less biased when random sampling is prioritized. Quantitative research is realistic and aims to validate a hypothesis.

Simple examples of quantitative data include votes, clicks, time in days, weeks, months, or years, and money.

Poll the People Gives you Both

Is it possible to get qualitative and quantitative research collectively? The simplest answer is a clear “YES!”

Users can use both forms of information in Poll the People open-ended tests to improve their concepts. Users access the data and the analysis behind the outcomes on its simple results dashboard. Following the completion of a test, a table displaying all of the feedback from your target audience. Dive into the feedback to find the information that helps you create a better brand, concept, or design.


The most effective method for figuring out how your target market feels about your product is open-ended testing. It enables you to gather meaningful feedback that enhances your product and reorganizes your approach to coming up with new product concepts.

Its advantages include accurate results, user-friendliness, realistic design, and minimized bias. Open-ended tests are a great way to validate a concept and with Poll the People it can be done in minutes without wasting your budget.

If you’re ready to begin using the open-ended test as well as qualitative and quantitative data to optimize your business, sign up for a free account with Poll the People and launch your first test in minutes.

Owen Fay

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